Catamaran Service News
The Service blog covers specific information related to actual projects, repairs and upgrades that we have done or are currently busy with. This offers a peak into the scope of work that we undertake on a regular basis, the insurance work after catamaran trauma, as well as the custom jobs we take on every so often.
Miami International Boat Show 2020
The 2020 Miami International Boat Show is February 13th to February 17th with the Just Catamarans Service Team at Booth C166 featuring RELiON Batteries.
How Comprehensive Connectivity Benefits Catamaran Cruisers
In need of satellite connectivity for your Catamaran? Have you ever learned about the Inmarsat Fleet One Service? Learn more…
Leopard 50 Catamaran Upgrades with Just Catamarans [Video]
Leopard 50 Catamaran Upgrades walkthrough with SV HAPPY TOGETHER. Catamaran upgrades completed by the Just Catamarans Service team.
Outremer 45 Catamaran Upgrades from Service Team
Outremer 45 Catamaran with Just Catamarans service team for repairs and upgrades after a proximity strike. Just Catamarans is the exclusive North American distributor and service Center. B&G Authorized Service Center.
Recent Leopard Catamaran Projects Completed by Just Catamarans Service
Recent Leopard Catamaran Projects Completed by Just Catamarans Service. Leopard 51 Power Catamaran and Leopard 45 Sailing Catamaran upgrades.
Gunboat 66 Catamaran EXTREME H2O Mast Installation
Gunboat 66 Catamaran EXTREME H2O mast was just re-installed with the help of Just Catamarans service team at Harbour Towne Marina in Fort Lauderdale, FL.