Riley and Elayna of La Vagabonde, an Outremer 45 visit Just Catamarans for Upgrades and Boat Repair [VIDEO]
Lithium VS Lead-Acid Batteries: Comparing Total Cost of Ownership
Lithium VS Lead-Acid Batteries: Comparing Total Cost of Ownership. RELiON’s lithium batteries offer users practical advantages such as lighter weight and hands-off operation.
Leopard Catamaran Solar Panel Project
The Just Catamarans Service team has been busy lately with Leopard Catamaran solar panel projects. Check out the photos showing the work completed on a Leopard 45 Catamaran showing off the height of the solar panel along with the stainless steel work.
Just Catamarans Service Completes Repairs on Hurricane Damaged Vessel
Service Team Completes Repairs on Hurricane Damaged Fountaine Pajot Helia 44 Just Catamarans service team recently completed a 6-month project on a Hurricane Irma damaged Fountaine Pajot Helia 44, OHANA. The mast and hardtop were each destroyed during the storm. The...
How Lithium Batteries Can Upgrade Your Catamaran
As an authorized dealer for RELiON Lithium batteries, Just Catamarans has sold over 100 lithium-ion batteries in the last year!
Just Catamarans helped Gone with the Wynns with the installation of their batteries. Check out their review of what they chose ReLion lithium power:
Just Catamarans working on HULL #1 of the NEW Leopard 45 Catamaran
Just Catamarans working on HULL #1 of the NEW Leopard 45 Catamaran.