Over the years we have seen the catamaran cycle of purchase, ownership and selling stretch over a period as short as a few months to many years. The variety of plans for each person, couple or family determines this in each case. There are, however, those instances where a catamaran is bought and sold very quickly and the obvious conclusion for most is “failure”. However, it couldn’t be further from the truth.
We recently sold a catamaran to a young family who had their hopes set on a wonderful blogging adventure onboard their catamaran. They had been inspired by “Gone with the Wynns” and they determined to bring a fresh new blogging experience to their followers as a ‘family on the go’. They sold everything they had and took the plunge.
Hardships and new learning experiences were all to be expected and they took everything in their stride, until it became abundantly obvious that this was not something that their children wanted to do. It was fairly unexpected and something that could not be overturned. Sadly, they tied up to the dock one last time. Some would look on and cry, “failure”, but we say, “well done for trying!”
As brokers, we deal with all types of buyers, but we deal with buyers – people who take claim to their dreams and buy a catamaran. We don’t deal with the myriad of armchair sailors who live precariously through the blogs of those taking this adventure head-on.
How will you ever know if this great sailing life is for you? How will you ever step foot on that beach, or crack that crab shell plucked from the ocean floor with your own hands? How will you feel the breeze on your face or the salt dust on your arms – if you never take ownership of that dream?
Living without regrets is a difficult and brave choice made daily. The young family mentioned above, are now on a different adventure, but they can confidently agree that they have no regrets, and will not pine away one day wondering “what if” or, “I wish I had”. No, they did it. It didn’t turn out the way they thought, but they did it. And no-one can take that away from them.