Just Catamarans has partnered with Integral Solutions to provide our clients with the high power output many Catamarans owners demand. Imagine running your Air-conditioner on a DC battery bank and getting fulling charged by motoring out to sea or to your next anchorage. At the heart of this system is a tried and true Relion Lithium battery bank.
Regarding the exclusive partnership, Just Catamarans Service Manager Rafael Escobar: “Just Catamarans is always striving to be at the forefront of the industry in High tech but reliable technology. We are excited to offer this next generation technology to clients as part of our ever-expanding list of Service offerings and solutions“
How Integrel Solutions Works
About Integrel Solutions
Integrel is an electric generating device that in many cases replaces the need for a generator on a boat. It sits on the main diesel propulsion engine in much the same way as an alternator, but the similarity stops there. Integrel generates over 10 times the amount of an alternator and stores the excess energy in Li-Ion Batteries. Being that it is controlled by advanced solid state technology, it is smart enough to know when and how much energy to pull off the engine so that the engine runs more in its efficient operating zone while allowing the engine to provide full propulsion if needed.
Born from a study funded by the EU governments to find ways to reduce recreational boating environmental damage and designed by some very smart engineers in the UK in conjunction with Nigel Calder, Integrel is now ready for installation on your boat. Why? Think enough energy for air conditioning at night instead of running a noisy generator, think ice machine on your boat, think of an always cold fridge, think electric induction stove top instead of gas bottles, think enough energy to charge your electric dinghy motor. Learn more at www.Integrelsolutions.com
Speak with our Service Managers Rafael Escobar and Laurent Facchin to see how Integrel Solutions can improve your Catamaran.
(954) 589-2343 | Service@JustCatamarans.net