Sailing around the world……. what a dream! Sailing….. not motoring!
Sailing around the world……. what a dream! Sailing….. not motoring! I tell people probably too often that when evaluating a catamaran, ask yourself which is more important, the getting there, or the being there? Is the fun you derive from your boat more in the actual sailing of the boat, or is it the hanging out on your own floating home after you get there? Understanding this goes a long way in determining the right boat for you.
If you a “being there” fan, this article is less for you. You still should consider what is acceptable sailing performance for you, but it is a secondary concern. For the “getting there” crowd though, let’s consider what does it take to average 200 miles a day on passage, without engines? Are there really cruising cats capable of this?
The answer is yes. I think everyone knows that Gunboat, Dazcat, H&H, Outremer, Balance, Catana and some others are capable of this. Instead of comparing for differences, let’s look at similarities in high-performance boats.
- Reasonable weight versus waterline ratio
- Long narrow (relatively) hulls
- Powerful rigs
- Daggerboards
- Owner discipline to keep the boat light.
Performance Cats aren’t for everyone. They are generally smaller inside than luxury Cats. Sometimes the interiors are deemed plain and spartan. However, there are great sailing, beautiful boats out there. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder most definitely. If you are curious about high-performance catamarans, give me a call. I am a “getting there” guy!
Just Catamarans currently has a good selection of brokerage performance catamarans. First and foremost, is MARIAH.
MARIAH is a flagship from the heyday of Catana. It is a 582, and the interior of the boat is reminiscent of a fine hotel. Beautiful woodwork, great private spaces. The really cool thing about Mariah is it still sails very fast, and powerfully. If you are looking for an amazing yacht, look no further!
2018 Outremer 5X Catamaran for sale. BLUE NIMBUS is a 3-cabin performance cruising catamaran located in Annapolis, MD with Just Catamarans.
Contact Derek Escher to help you.
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Derek Escher
Licensed + Bonded Catamaran Broker
Email: Derek@JustCatamarans.net
Mobile: (617) 803-8976
Office: (954) 589-2343